Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Recipe for Rain....

Recipe For Rain
2 cups of "water garden thoroughly in the morning because you think it has no chance of raining"
1 cup of "wash every sheet and blanket you own and hang out to dry on the clothes line"
1tbsp of "just washed the van yesterday"
And a dash of "power tools laying all over the yard"

Mix all ingredients together early in the morning while thinking you are awesome for getting things done around the house. Wait about 1 hour and realize it has started raining. Run around like an idiot trying to take down all the sheets and blankets, roll up windows in all cars, and pick up all the tools strewn about what seems like the biggest yard in the world as you get drenched wondering if you are the tallest thing around right now cause you just saw a bolt of lighting shockingly close to where you are standing. If desired add a pinch of "walk into house after it's almost done raining only to realize that the roof you just fixed 2 months ago is leaking all over your floor and now you have a big hole in your ceiling"  Then run around like a looney toon with your kids until you and them are soaked down to your underwear jumping in large puddles and making mud pies. Enjoy!!

There are mountains behind that rain coming our way


Woo hoo!

The ducks loved it as much as we did!

Soaking wet but havin fun

Ummm nice face LD

Ta Da!! I made it rain!!

My poor poor muddy house!

"I'm SWINGIN in the rain! Just swingin in the rain!"

Muddy face from puddles


What is that out there in my, soon to be, orchard?

AH HA!! Mud pie chefs!

The goats were NOT happy with me for making the rain

Ummmm yeah that's my ceiling after rain apparently.


  1. I had friends caught up in that rain storm...totally wicked. they used umbrellas to stay dry. Not a bad idea if you ask me bro....just sayin hooray for herbs

    -Love Always
