Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't read today if you are at all fond of small garden eating vermin......

I'll say it again:
Don't read today if you are at all fond of small garden eating vermin......

That being said; I have had a huge problem with these stupid little gopher lookin things getting into my garden. I have sucessfully been able to keep out all those crazy rabbits but I now have a more annoying problem. Sooooo we decided to test out our survival skills and see if we could trap and kill these little buggers! We have tried a couple different traps including snares and some weird homemade concoction but we finally had success with the trap that I made today. I caught that stupid jerk and he will eat my cucmbers no more. And Piper is very happy that he is with Jesus now. LOL!! So here is what I did...

Here is one of his stupid holes.

The bait

I took two flat stepping stones. One on the ground and one being proped up

The trap set up in front of his dumb little gopher house.

He thought he was so cool eating his little strrawberry.

We hooked up a fishing line to the little stick holding up the stick.

Then I waited......and when the time was right, I reeled in the line and....... SPLAT!!!!!!! No more stupid little gopher thingy eating my cucumbers(for now)! I would like to note that Piper was very happy to here that the gopher is ith Jesus now. LOL!


And that, my friends, is how you catch a gopher thingy in your back yard!

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